55 % of our fleet has aerodynamic sides , up from 41 % last year .
13 % of our fleet has solar lift gates , up from 5 % last year .
40 % of our fleet has adaptive cruise control , up from 31 % last year .
A driving force for innovation in
KeHE ’ s transportation team is innovating to find ways to conserve energy and lessen our impact on the planet . KeHE has started putting Renewable Natural Gas tractors into service - a near zero emissions alternative to diesel tractors .
Instead of utilizing diesel to cool our refrigerated trailers prior to loading , four of our warehouses have been outfitted to utilize Shore Power . KeHE teamed up with SafeConnect , a leading supplier in Shore Power equipment , to assist us in building a sustainable plan through electrification of our eTRU ’ s ( Electric Transport Refrigeration Units ) while at our facilities , resulting in a total diesel savings of 45,400 gallons .