Keele Management School Magazine Keele Management School Magazine, Issue 2 | Page 8

13 Keele Management School News l Spring2015 Spring2015 l Keele Management School News The KMS Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Management: A choice well made: Aimed at people looking to progress into management, or managers who want a formal qualifi cation, the Certifi cate is taught on Saturdays only and is studied on a modular basis over one year, or up to three. Maureen Lowe, School Manager in Keele’s School of Pharmacy is a keen advocate of the programme: “As a fi rm believer in lifelong learning, when the opportunity arose to undertake the Postgraduate Certifi cate in Leadership and Management, I knew this was an opportunity I simply could not let pass by, and a challenge I would relish. So why, whilst working full-time as a School Manager with a very busy workload, did I decide not only to register for the programme, but also made a conscious decision to complete all four modules in one year? The answer is simple; I needed to broaden my horizons and re-think my management style in light of the ever- changing work environment in which I found myself. “The programme taught me to put myself in the shoes of those for whom I am responsible and see change from their viewpoint. Staff always have a need to feel If Maureen’s experience has left you wanting to find out more, details of the Certificate can be found at kms/pgcertleadershipmanagementpt or the Course Director, Phil Johnson will be happy to help. Phil can be contacted at [email protected] or on 01782 734469. they played their part, and I always carry with me a quote from Lao Tzu, “A leader is best when people barely know he exists; when his work is done, his aim fulfi lled. They (the staff) will say: we did it ourselves.” Such knowledge and understanding of leadership and management that I learned from the programme is something I will take with me throughout my career. Keele Management School ‘Model’ Students! Proving that we have model students in more ways than one! Last autumn, some of our postgraduate students volunteered to take part in a professional photoshoot to support our marketing activities for the School’s postgraduate programmes. See some of the results below… 14 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ‘Do Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) provide value for money for the taxpayers? is the subject of the inaugural lecture by KMS Professor of Accounting, Istemi Demirag. Tuesday 24th March, 6:00 pm, Westminster Theatre, Chancellor’s Building. Postgraduate Open Day fi nd out more about postgraduate study at Keele University. What programmes are on offer? What Scholarships/Bursaries are available? How to apply? “If asked if it is easy, I would have to say that it is no mean feat, as it means giving up personal time as lecturers/discussion, group working, short presentations, etc. all take place on Saturdays throughout the academic year and beyond. It all sounds impossible, but with drive and determination it is achievable, enjoyable and very worthwhile. Wednesday 4th March 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Exhibition Suite, Chancellor’s Building. Launch of Community Animation and Social Innovation Centre (CASIC): “My experience was so positive, that I have been an advocate of the programme for some years. Don’t be put off if you have not studied for a while, or you don’t think you know how to carry out background research, or write up an assignment, there is always help on hand and it is important that you seek that help when necessary.” If Mihaela’s article on Voluntolding and Cultural Animation has sparked your interest, come along to the launch of the new research centre – CASIC- on Monday 16th March between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm, Claus Moser, CMO.12. Contact Liz Cameron at research.casic@keele. if you would like to attend. BeMoreKeele – A fortnight of activities at Keele to help develop students’ employability skills. A big thank you to all the students who took part: Alona Blakytna, Chen Cui, Dora Gurtler, Huzaima Rahim, Shuang Niu, Daniel Coyne, James Heeks, Lyane Bartlett and Yu-Ting Chen for being such patient and co-operative models – it’s not easy! You may have seen the purple BeMoreKeele boxes around campus and wondered what it’s all about? BeMoreKeele will take place in the fi rst two weeks in June when all Keele students will be able to take part in a range of fun activities with a focus on developing employability skills. Find out more at