KB reference guide handy dandy January 2014 | Page 6
The keyboard is divided into two parts, the left and the right. The left hand is responsible for keying keys
on the left side of the keyboard, and the right hand is responsible for keying keys on the right side of the
keyboard. This color coded keyboard and hands below illustrates the key assignments.
Rule #1 : Always keep fingers on your home row keys.
Left Hand - Fingers on A S D F
Right Hand - Fingers on J K L ; (semi colon)
Rule #2: Each finger has assigned keys to press.
Notice how fingers are color coded to correlate with each key on the keyboard.
Example: A-finger is responsible for keys; Q, A, Z, 1, !, `. ~, Tab, caps lock, shift.
S-finger is responsible for; S, W, X, 2, @ and so forth.