Kashmir Scan 05 | Page 13

“ Usually they ( girls ) feel lower self esteem on such occasions while the boys tend to overlook ( the results )," he says . " Also in our society the burden of keeping self esteem of the family is more on girls than the boys . Boys can do anything and get away . But that ' s not the case with girls "
more students attempted suicide in the valley after failing to have an impressive show in the exams . The ten- dency was more among the girl stu- dents than the boys . Recently , a girl student committed suicide in south Kashmir after she failed to qualify the class X exams . Before committing suicide the girl called her fatter saying that she had worked hard for the exams but doesn ' t know why she failed to qualify it .
Experts say that the exam re- lated stress , peer pressure and the family and societal expectations are driving the young students towards taking this extreme step .
" In our society , there is kind of a black and white thinking about suc-
cess and failure . We wrongfully
" Usually they ( girls ) feel lower self
think that those who pass in their ex-
esteem on such occasions while the
ams are good people and those who
boys tend to overlook ( the results ),"
fail are bad ," says Dr Arshad
he says . " Also in our society the bur-
Hussain , a leading Psychiatrist of
den of keeping self esteem of the
valley who teaches at Government
family is more on girls than the boys .
Medical College in Srinagar . " This
Boys can do anything and get away .
idea of success and failure lowers
But that ' s not the case with girls ".
the self esteem of those students who
Dr Arshad says that the examifail
in the exams and they feel humil-
nation system in Jammu and Kash-
iated ".
mir is no measure of somebody ' s ca-
Dr Arshad says this think-
pabilities and the tendency of suiing
of the society is " awfully wrong "
cides or self harm after failures in the
given the examination system of the
examinations can be curbed only
state . " We have a particular kind of
after the society changes its thinking
educational system where all kids
and explores the strengths , interests
can ' t do well ," he says . " Our exami-
and capabilities of the students . " Peonation
system gives advantage to a
ple can ' t be intelligent only in educa-
particular section of students who
tion .
Now we talk of multiple-
have a good rote memory with some
intelligence ,” he says .
degree of educational IQ . It never
Dr Arshad quotes the example
measures your capabilities , innova-
of Indian cricket sensation Sachin
tion or sports capabilities ".
Tendulkar . “ He ( Sachin Tendulkar )
The tendency of suicides –
failed in his class X exams but ev-
forced by the “ failures ” in school or
erybody calls him a genius ," he says .
college exams - in the valley is being
" Our elders see failure as the end of
witnessed more among the girls than
life and the children follow . We need
the boys . Dr Arshad reasons that it is
to change this attitude ".
because girls feel more humiliated .