Album: WARLOCK – Triumph and Agony
Released: 5 September, 1987, Vertigo (Europe), Mercury (USA)
Songwriters: Doro Pesch, Joey Balin
This song has a mission. A promise of devotion and loyalty personal messages through songs. I admire you, watch you,
is sealed in the sound. She’s determined to work hard and and secretly wish to be closer. When I finally meet you,
always willing to fight boldly for the right thing. Nothing you bring a special light of hope into my life. There’s
will stop her, and she’ll never give up. She can grab onto nobody like you in my world. You pass me the key
the wind and hold back death. She does not succumb to a rare friendship. You open the door to a longed-for
to pain or sorrow. She deals with them in her own way. world. I believe in you, and you believe in me. You inspire
She’s dedicated her life to music, and she’s never betrayed me and encourage me to follow my dreams no matter
herself. She does not succumb to the temptations of the what. You don’t judge me, and you support my unbridled
graceful curves of wealth and blind prestige. She did not nature. We share our secrets. We share the unconditional love
sell her soul, and her own freedom means more to her than of music, enthusiasm, fervor, passion, the desire to give
a golden cage. Adventure is the only certainty. our best and all we have. We live in different worlds,
She chooses steel wheels over the comfort of silk bedding. yet we are so alike. The circumstances of the physical world
She shares with the world an endless source of desire can separate us for some time. But nothing can tear us
flowing from her eyes. She could have ruled the catwalk apart because true friends will get over anything.
and sell designer clothes. But she uses her beauty to convey You are forever in my heart!