Album: Zipper Catches Skin
Released: August 25, 1982, Warner Bros
Songwriters: Gary Osborne, Lalo Schifrin
I wish so much to look into the face of the future I go through purgatory and the deeper I get,
and at least for a moment see a flash of better tomorrows. the more difficult the trials I have to endure.
I am looking for a foothold in a dream that’s changing I’m learning how to survive and save my dream.
into a nightmare, and keep asking the same questions I cannot afford to stagnate or take steps back. I choose
over and over. The answers are not coming and the the way to my true self over the “guaranteed
mirror of the future remains blurred. Reason tries to and tempting” but fake and overpriced guides
win over intuition. There’s nothing left to chase. I will to a “happy” life. I accept the principles of our world’s
not allow noise from the outside to drown out my inner duality, and I don’t resist them. I’m not trying to hurry
voice anymore. It advises me to change my direction, anything up, and step-by-step I get rid of layers
to stop moving against the flow and, first of all, to find of self-harm. My reward is a reborn inner force. The fog
a way leading to curing the past and to understanding is receding, and I can clearly see my face in the mirror
the highest laws. Step by step, I explore the events of the future. I rise like a phoenix from its ashes.
of my life to transform negative memories into positive I’m wiser and enriched with my life experience that’s
experience. I’m not pointing fingers or blaming anyone. been tested in my own skin. Finally, I’m determined
Instead, I take absolute responsibility for all my deeds. to create my own chances and turn my dream into reality.