WHITESNAKE, Prague 2019 / Photo: Lukáš Urbaník
from the DEEP PURPLE era). WHITESNAKE have only prepared for the show in advance. Since the moment
60 minutes to perform their songs, so the audience in I first listened to the new album “Flesh & Blood” it was
Prague doesn’t get the chance to hear more than two clear the whole band was in great shape. I expected
songs from the new album: “Hey You (You Make Me the band to transmit the same energy on stage and my
Rock)” and “Shut Up & Kiss Me.” Compared to other expectations were definitely fulfilled. A WHITESNAKE
shows on the tour, we miss out another three songs show is not built on big video projections or bombastic
from their latest opus. There are two interesting facts effects. This way David Coverdale maintains the level
about the video clip version of the song “Shut Up & we are used to, and we find no surprises this night,
Kiss Me.” You can see the same white Jaguar and the which in this case are not needed at all. The still
same jacket in the video that David used in the video charismatic and ageless front man has always had
for the famous “Here I Go Again.” We are used to the great capability of being surrounded by excellent
traditionally bad sound quality in the O2 Arena, and musicians and it’s no different with the current line-up.
there is no difference tonight. The sound engineers The last WHITESNAKE studio album left the impression
happen to improve it a bit in the second half with DEF of wholeness. I don’t have the feeling that it’s just about
LEPPARD’s show, but I am going to leave this topic the self-promotion of David Coverdale, which was a
for later. Sometimes it was really hard to hear David big thing with many discussions in the past, but it’s
Coverdale’s voice over all that drum and bass. The about the band as a whole. I have the same impression
bad sound had probably nothing to do with the band, during their live show. The two new songs perfectly fit
so I better try to get rid of these emotions and just into the setlist which mostly consists of their biggest
enjoy the show and the fantastic performances of hits. Everything fits gently and naturally. The voice of
the musicians as much as possible. I was tuned and David is compared to the past of course lower and is