WHITESNAKE, Prague 2019 / Photo: Lukáš Urbaník
that part of the setlist will consist of songs from their Coverdale is fully aware of his responsibility as an artist
current album. WHITESNAKE arrive to Prague one to his audience this way. WHITESNAKE went through
day before the show is taking place. The front man many different lineup changes throughout the years
David Coverdale uses some free time to also record because of various reasons. I am not going to analyze
a video postcard from the road for fans, in which their past in too much detail, which are already very
he asks people to stop spreading controversy and well known to their fans and that we of course admire.
bullshit about his hair. As he shows and says straight Better I stay in the present and focus on the lineup
to the camera with a smile on his face, his hair is real David Coverdale appeared with during the tour
with no extensions. Having an attractive image has in Prague.
always paid an important role on the hard rock scene,
especially back then in the 80s. I am not one of those WHITESNAKE enter the stage shortly before eight
who think that someone’s physical appearance is the o’clock. The famous “My Generation” from the WHO is
most important thing in the world, and I take the fact of traditionally blasting before the musicians hit the stage.
getting older as a natural part of life – not as a handicap The setlist consists of songs from the WHITESNAKE
or a serious disease that many people suffer from. era only. There are songs chosen from three albums
On the other hand, I sympathize and really appreciate in their discography; “Slide It In,” “Whitesnake” and
if people are doing their best to look good and healthy “Flesh & Blood.” WHITESNAKE is releasing their new
or leave a good impression, no matter what age they album after eight years, considering brand new songs
are or the background they are coming from, and I am only. There are no songs from David Coverdale’s era
fully aware of the responsibility needed to maintain with DEEP PURPLE (probably because of the “The
one’s appearance. The same way, as an example, David Purple Album” tour which was dedicated to songs