On F i v e
Yap Gatus
Art is both escape
and refuge for this
I nterv ie w Patrick Kasingsing
Tell us something about yourself.
Hello. I’m Rafael, an architect by profession and an
artist by birth.
Your illustration work is a fascinating exploration of
emotion and daily struggle. What inspires you to draw?
Most of my artworks are born out of my emotions.
They are honest, intimate expressions of what I really feel.
Naturally, they are often emotionally-charged, created to
elicit or provoke its viewers to introspection.
I grew up coping with depression and I consider
illustration an emotional outlet, an indispensable part of the
healing process. It's also a creative diversion by helping me
‘take my mind off my mind’ whenever I need to.
What are your favorite illustration subjects?
Why these in particular?
I really don’t have a particular subject that I’m fond
of depicting. Ever since I delved into illustration, I’ve
been in a constant transition and exploration of styles,
momentarily pausing on particular phases that interest
me before I move on again. I remember experimenting
with hazy silhouettes, pixelated faces, moving images and
Artidote-type artworks in the past.
Opposite page, from top: Detachment,
mixed media; Was Up All Night, mixed media