Easy Morning Exercises
Some of us are really motivated for getting a better body shape, however it is sometimes very hard to find the time to do sports. Between school time and the home works at home, it is sometimes difficult to make sure you do other activities in weekdays. Here we are going to show you how to benefit from any little time you have in the morning or after school.
for the lazy ones;)
you know who you are...
First exercise: SIT BACKS
• Keep your hands straight and legs bent
• Start leaning back slowly while hands still straight and tummy tight
• Reach as far as you can without touching the flour then go back up
• Repeat 20 times
Third exercise: BUTTERFLY BREATH
• Stand straight with legs apart and arms lifted on the side
• Exhaling, lift right knee to touch left elbow
• Inhaling, lift left knee to touch right elbow
• Repeat 20 times
Second exercise: CHAIR SQUATS
• Stand with a chair behind you
• Keep your hands straight in front of you
• Slowly start sitting down but before you reach the chair slowly get up again
• Repeat 15 times