Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 32


The easiest and coolest lava lamp experiment!

You will need:
• A clean 1 liter clear soda bottle
• 3 / 4 cup of water
• Vegetable Oil
• Fizzing tablets( such as vitamin c)
• Food coloring
What to do:
1. Pour water into a bottle.
2. Using a funnel, pour the vegetable oil into the bottle until almost full. Wait a few minutes for the oil and water to separate.
3. Add 10 drops of food coloring to the bottle( it is better to choose one color only) The drops will pass through the oil and then mix with the water below.
4. Break a fizzing tablet in half and drop it into the bottle. Watch it sink to the bottom and create blobs!
5. To do it again, just drop another tablet inside. Also, try shining a flashlight through the bottom of it while in a dark room. It’ ll look really cool!
The oil floats above the water because the oil is lighter; or more specifically, less dense than water. Oil and water do not mix. The tablet which sinks, dissolves, and creates the gas. Bubbles go up, water goes down, and you’ ve got a lava lamp. www. sciencebob. com www. juxtapost. com