the Kansas Chamber of Commerce wanted to connect the three largest cities in Kansas for economic development , other proponents knew how such a link would also make life easier and safer for Kansans who regularly traveled dangerous two-lane highways ; thus , the turnpike spanned the entire state of Kansas from north to south .
• President Eisenhower proclaimed December 15 , 1954 , as “ S-D Day ” ( Safe Driving Day ). It was promoted by both the national and state associations to focus “ national attention on the traffic accident problem .”
• In 1955 , Kenneth Ross was elected President of the national association at its annual convention in Los Angeles . Kenneth was the first Kansan to hold the position . He was from Arkansas City and president of KAIA in 1950 . An Honorary Life Membership was awarded to Kenneth Ross in 1955 .
• The following resolution was made at the Annual Convention in 1955 to honor newly elected National President Kenneth Ross :
Whereas ; One of our member agents as earned , through his efforts , the undying faith of agents throughout the America ; and
Whereas ; They have pledged their faith by electing him to the highest office as President of the National Association of Insurance Agents ,
Therefore ; be it Resolved ; that the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents at this convention assembled hereby pledge their faith , allegiance and complete support for the success of his administration .
• The 36th Annual Convention was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel on October 28-30 , 1956 . An emphasis was put on sales ; as the tagline represented : “ Sales is Our Business ”.
The following Resolution was passed at the convention :
Whereas , the National Association of Insurance Agents at its convention in New York City in September of 1956 passed a resolution calling for our companies to make available a form of uninsured motorists ’ coverage ; and
Whereas , in our opinion , such a form of coverage offers an acceptable alternative to the threat of compulsory automobile insurance legislation in the various states ,
Be it resolved that the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents calls upon our companies , collectively , or individually , if need be , to make immediately available a form of uninsured motorist coverage , as the only true insurance alternative to advance to date , thereby exercising its obligation in the public interest , as well as placing the American Agency System of operations on a competitive par with others .
• In 1956 , the national association announced a contest to design a new logo . NAIA President Kenneth Ross , of Arkansas City , appointed a three-person committee as the judging team for the contest . Over 1,000 submissions were received , the contest winner was W . Stanley Pierce of Paul Alto , California .
It was the birth of the Big “ I ” symbol . The Big “ I ” symbol was the most durable part of the advertising program and would always be considered the anchor which steadied the program .
The new national logo was introduced in September 1956 at the National Convention .
24 Kansas Association of Insurance Agents