Chapter 2 : 1930s
The Thirties saw the growth of shanty towns caused by the Great Depression , dust storms , radical politics around the world , and an upside down world where bank robbers were seen as hero ’ s not villains . More than 15 million Americans -one-quarter of all wage-earning workers – were unemployed . President Herbert Hoover did not do much to alleviate the crisis : Patience and self-reliance , he argued , were all Americans needed to get them through this “ passing incident in our national lives .” But in 1932 , Americans elected a new president , Franklin Delano Roosevelt , who pledged to use the power of the federal government to make Americans ’ lives better .
• The Insurance Department of Kansas imposed an impound on commission based on factors decided by them . The association president went to Washington , D . C . to plead Kansas ’ position on the issue . A committee was formed to oversee the problem .
• An executive committee meeting was held on February 13 , 1930 to consider what action the association should take in connection with the compromise of the Kansas Rate Case in securing the return of the impounded commissions . A report was given on its settlement on February 18 , 1930 .
• The National association asked for a designated week in October of each year to be “ Fire Prevention Week .”
• The 10th Annual Convention was October 13-15 , 1930 at the Hotel Lassen in Wichita . Airplane rides from Swallow Field were given to anyone attending the convention , courtesy of the Wichita Insurors . It was also decided at the convention that all officers would remain the same ; serving a second term .
• A legislative issue of concern was that the state property assessors would obtain the amount of fire insurance each household carries . That legislation failed on October 22 , 1932 .
• The association was asked to assist in the election campaign of Franklin D . Roosevelt for President . The request came from Vincent Cullen , vice-chairman of Insurance Development for the Roosevelt Business and Professions League .
• In 1934 , districts were established in the state . There were six assigned to a member , who acted as chairperson . Each received $ 25 to organize the districts .
• An Assignment ( Risk ) Plan was put into effect for compensation risks in 1935 . There were 150 risks assigned to it for the first year . No commissions would be paid to agents on the plan .
• In March of 1936 , there was a board discussion concerning allowing car dealership salespeople to offer insurance when purchasing a car . James D . Gilmore , Board President , urged talks with the dealerships by the members affected .
• At the July 1936 Executive Committee meeting , there was a discussion of hiring a full-time manager for the association business , which required an amendment to the association ’ s constitution and bylaws . The amendment was proposed to members at the annual convention in October 1936 . It passed with the stipulation that membership dues would not increase to fund the position . Until an increase would be possible , members agreed to a $ 90 monthly allowance for the current Secretary position .
• By 1939 , two strong and well-organized insurance women ’ s clubs were formed in Kansas . They were in Topeka and Wichita . They were very active and cooperated with the association in every way possible to be a success and help the association .
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