Students who receive high school accommodations/
modifications may also receive accommodations
for dual credit courses while taking NWTC courses.
The school district is required to provide the
accommodations outlined in the student’s IEP, while
NWTC Disibility Services staff determines the type,
level and duration of the accommodation.
Students requesting accommodations for their
dual credit course should reach out to the
Disability Services via email at
[email protected] or call to make an
appointment at 920-498-6904
Once notified of a need for accommodations, Disbility
Case Managers will work directly with the identified
Special Education teacher and student to ensure that
the student’s accommodations, consistent with their
IEP, are being met. For questions please contact the
NWTC Team at the email and number listed above.
Possible accommodations that can be
approved depending upon the student need
and disability include:
1. Extended test time (1.5X or 2.0X), taking the test
in a reduced distraction area, utilizing speech
software, or the use of a calculator
(math disability).
2. Instructors are not allowed to eliminate answers
on a test or provide a word bank as these are not
approved post-secondary accommodations.
3. Test questions can be read, but NOT explained.
4. Students are not allowed to use notes on tests
unless this is something that is being provided to
the entire class.
5. Sign-language interpreter services will be
provided, Disability Services will coordinate and
determine fee structure/billing.