Faculty Credentials
Qualifications, Orientation and Training (CONTINUED)
Logistics and Deadlines with Initiating Transcripted Credit Agreements
Transcripted agreements will be posted by the school district on the NWTC website:
Final agreements and policy for the current academic year are sent to school districts in May with
request for signature. This allows a true capture of courses offered and agreements in place for the
year, eliminating any canceled courses due to low enrollment or other mitigating circumstances. This
information remains on file with NWTC and the WTCS (Wisconsin Technical College System). Please visit
this site to see any historical dual credit agreements:
Frequently Asked Questions
NWTC Transcribed Credit
1. When does the Qualification Process take
place for transcribed credit instructors?
The qualification process takes place at the time
you are considering teaching a transcribed credit
course; preferably before the annual Spring
Summit. To start qualification, go to our NWTC.edu
webpage and search for Transcribed Credit. Click
on Requirements for Teaching Transcribed Credit.
Read and complete tasks required. Then complete
the Qualification Application and send a copy of your
unofficial graduate and undergraduate transcripts,
as well as your DPI licensures to K12relations@nwtc.
edu. You only need to do this one time initially, but
we will need to qualify you for each course that you
teach. Also if you have gained additional education/
credentials since your initial qualification, please
forward this to [email protected].
2. What other requirements are expected of a
transcribed credit instructor?
You are obligated to teach all NWTC competencies
of the course and utilize the same grading criteria.
Your attendance at the Spring Summit and work
with the NWTC faculty mentor is mandatory. Some
coursework will require additional training such as
a course enrollment or summer Train the Trainer.
NWTC mentors will review the syllabi requirement,
curriculum, resources, and any other training
expectations for you to duplicate the NWTC
course at your high school. You will also need to
utilize the same resources, including textbooks
and lab assessment approval, to deliver the course
competencies. Please review the Transcribed Credit
Policy for more information.
3. What if my school runs on a semester,
yearlong, trimester or block schedule? Does that
change the enrollment process?
Students enrollment information and class start and
end dates must be submitted at least two weeks
before the start of the class or sooner. This allows
students and instructors to fully access and utilize
NWTC resources such as Blackboard. We realize
rosters may change throughout the process. Grades
are expected to be submitted in the blackboard shell
within 72 hours of class completion.
4. Why are start/end dates so important?
We ask you to provide accurate start and end dates
for your transcribed credit courses to assist us in
keeping accurate records for grading purposes
and and allow Blackboard access in a timely
manner. NWTC will create one class per subject
per instructor no matter how many sections or
periods the instructor is teaching. In doing this,
the instructor has one blackboard shell with all
transcribed credit students within it.
5. What is the best way to send enrollment
information? To whom should it be sent?
Please submit your system generated transcribed
credit student rosters to [email protected]. We
no longer accept excel spreadsheet rosters and/or
hand-written enrollments. The roster report must
provide the students—legal name including middle
initial, date of birth, full address, phone number,
school email address, grade level, gender, class title,
instructor’s full name, high school name, and ONLY
eligible transcribed credit students.