JUSTICE TRENDS JUSTICE TRENDS Nr. 1 | June 2017 | Page 114

BEST PRACTICES / MEJORES PRÁCTICAS JT: Are there any challenges still, regarding the implementation of the policy? .......................................................................... JG: Not really… I would say that this issue, and considering the level we are in now, is perfectly solved. And the way we, nowadays, look at the mechanism that has been created for the implementation of this new law – and therefore the set of commissions for the deterrence of drug addiction – hence, the administrative body which has the possibility of applying sanctions in the field of misconduct. It also has the responsibility, above all, of identifying the needs of the drug addicted citizen and to monitor them according to the specific situation they are dealing with. Thus, our action is directed either at the addicted person who requires care and treatment for his/her addiction, or at the recreational user (in whom certain risk factors coexist and upon which it is possible to intervene – or intervene early – to prevent that his/her drug use path becomes more problematic in the future) ... Therefore, the great objective today is to dissuade and interrupt the path that can lead the person to addiction and this is achieved through the offer of answers both in social and in psychological levels. One should intervene in life areas that, often, people only become aware when they are confronted with and when they have the opportunity to discuss the framing of their drug use with professionals. In practice, we are, nowadays, operating as a device to prevent all kinds of drug addictions. “ I think we enjoyed a window of opportunity to peacefully get the decriminalization proposal through in the Portuguese society... We had a drug problem diffusion pattern that was different from most countries: it was transversal to all social groups and classes. ” JT: Does it seem to you that the resources that were previously used in the implementation of justice measures have been reallocated to Prevention and Health? .......... JG: I wouldn’t say so... I would not say that there was a system of direct communicating vessels, so to speak, in which the resources allocated to actions prior to the decriminalization had been reallocated to Health ... I think that the budgets available for the area of Justice, the police force, etc., have reasonably remained. What we have witnessed is a significant increase and an improvement in conditions... For example, within the prison system: by keeping its resources and having a smaller population, it was possible to offer better conditions to the prison population, and to actually improve the provision of health care within the prison system ... But I would not say that they have cut off some of the resources and that this part has been directly allocated to Health. In the Health sector there was an investment that was growing gradually and that allowed us to increase and solidify a care network that today is very solid and capable of meeting the needs of the citizens. 114   JUSTICE TRENDS //  J U N E / J U N I O 2 0 1 7 hoy, más de 15 años después, podemos mirar hacia atrás y darnos cuenta, de hecho, que ninguna de esas perspectivas oscuras llegó a ocurrir... JT: ¿Existe todavía algún reto con respecto a la i mplementación de la política?.............................................................................. JG: En realidad no... Yo diría que esta cuestión, y este nivel en el que estamos, está perfectamente resuelta. Y la forma en que hoy consideramos el mecanismo que se ha creado para la aplicación de esta nueva ley – y por lo tanto el conjunto de comisiones para la disuasión de la drogadicción – por lo tanto, el órgano administrativo que tiene la posibilidad de aplicar sanciones, pero que tiene también la responsabilidad, sobre todo, de identificar las necesidades del ciudadano adicto a las drogas y de vigilarlas de acuerdo con la situación específica con que se enfrentan. Por lo tanto, nuestra acción se dirige tanto a la persona adicta que requiere atención y tratamiento para su adicción, o al usuario recre- ativo, pero en el que coexisten ciertos factores de riesgo y sobre los cuales es posible intervenir o intervenir temprano para prevenir que su trayectoria de uso de drogas se vuelva más problemática en el futuro ... Por lo tanto, el gran objetivo de hoy es disuadir e interrumpir el camino que puede conducir a la persona a la adicción y esto se logra a través de la oferta de respuestas en los niveles social y psicológico, interviniendo en áreas de vida de las cuales muchas veces las personas solo se dan cuenta cuando tienen la oportunidad de discutir sus patrones de consumo de drogas con los profesionales. En la práctica, hoy en día, estamos operando como un dispositivo para prevenir todo tipo de adicciones a drogas. “ Creo que disfrutamos de una ventana de oportunidad para conseguir pasar la propuesta de despenalización pacíficamente en la soc