Justice in south wollo zone law and practice i suth wollo zone | Page 9
After the charge has been read out and explained to the accused I observed that the
judge ask the accused whether he is guilty or not as provided under the criminal
procedure code. All most all accused that I have ever seen denies the charge
brought against them even though they actually commit the alleged crime
consequently they are not beneficial as admitting th e charge is considered as one
general mitigating circumstance .Following the denial the court order the public
prosecutor to provide his witness and adjourn to hear witnesses of public
During my stay in south wollo zone high court I observed how tht field for oral
argument is going to be opened, how witnesses are examined, how the court
evaluate standard of proof and e.t.c .Accordingly witnesses of public prosecutors
are examined in chief by public prosecutor cross examined by the accused
advocate and re examined by public prosecutor.
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