Justice in south wollo zone law and practice i suth wollo zone | Page 3

ACKNOWLEDGMENT In doing this externship program there are persons and institutions who contribute a lot for its accomplishment. First I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mizan-tepi university school of law for assigning me in a place where I need to work and facilitate almost everything for the successful accomplishment of my externship program. This externship program would have not been achieved its purpose with out the support of south wollo zone high court civil and criminal division judges. So I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to judge Ali Getahun, Abebe Abebe Aleme and Ayalew Asfaw(criminal division judges) And judge Fekadu Belay, Suleyman Ahmmed and Sintayehu Yimer (civil division judges) for their extraordinary support. 1 [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]