Justice in south wollo zone law and practice i suth wollo zone | Page 11

argument…..how the court rule objections, how the court render decree on preliminary objections and final judgments …. ‘JUSTICE RUSHED, JUSTICE CRUSHED….. Justice delayed as the often maxim goes is said justice denied. But it is equally true that justice rushed is considered as justice crushed. In south wollo zone high court civil division I have observed that there is heavy case load on the judges as there are only 5 civil benches in the court I have noticed that many speedy judgments have been rendered in the manner that obstruct or destroy justice. Because of load of judges on the judges, on one hand they are too bored to deeply investigate and analyze every case on the other hand they try to secure expedient judgment. This leads to miscarriage of justice and potentially jeopardizes the overall administration of justice. [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]