Just Me Magazine - February 2017 February 2017 | Page 18

My Valentine

Charles & Lakeshia McKay

We have been together four years and married three . Met in college Florida Memorial University in Miami FL . I was going through a stage where in my life where I was debating quitting my job at the Ale House , working as a waitress full time and going to school full time to focus on an opening a shoe store . It was kind of making me depress me because we did not have the necessary finances for me to be able to quit my job and just focus on opening the business . Plus we were still in college full time living with family .
Long story short everyone kept saying not to do it because were both too young . Keep my job and finish school first and then think about opening a store later . But May 2 , 2013 , I was sitting on our bed crying and he came in the room and said to me , " Today , you ' re not going back to work , nor are you going tomorrow ." I was sitting there looking crazy like what are you talking about . He took a ring out of his pocket and said , " I want to ask you to be my wife , and in order to be your husband , I am willing to step outside the box to make you happy . So quit your job and however we have to do it , we will figure it out and you will open your store ." We opened the store later that year , but it did not work out .
We had to close the store . A few months later , we sat down together put our skills down on a piece of paper , and together we came up with the idea of opening McKay ' s Music because I have experience running a business since going back to my childhood working with both of my parents .
Today , McKay ' s Music is now a successful private music lesson company offering inĀ­home music lessons , summer camp and workshops throughout South Florida . As of February 1 , 2017 , we will be launching our nonĀ­profit , McKay ' s Music Movement , to offer the same services to students throughout South Florida attending schools that do not have a music program and cannot afford private music lessons .
If we could give advice to anyone about marriage , it would be to keep God in the center of your marriage , take the time and learn to pray together and for each other . Attend marriage workshops and seminars , even when things are going well . This way , you get the tools you need to have when things start to go bad . Finally , support each other , even when you don ' t get the vision . The other person has supported them because it ' s hard when the world rejects your ideas but its hurts more when it come from someone you consider half of you . Lastly KEEP PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR MARRIAGE & FINANCES , if you can ' t afford it , don ' t borrow it and never down talk each other to no one , including family members , because long after y ' all have makeup sex , they will still be holding grudges .