Fine The Way I Am Adrienne & Brittany Hughes
Elegant Behavior Saturdays , 11am intellectualradio . com
The Perfect Look
As a society , we have a tendency to allow social media or celebrities to dictate to us “ the perfect ” look . Just take a look at the fashion magazines the models pretty much all resemble one another . If you are not the woman that is a perfect size 2 or a man that is tall dark and handsome , you don ’ t “ fit ”. You don ’ t fit the description of what is considered “ beautiful ” or “ handsome ” according to society . The fashion industry is , more now than ever , very critical of what is supposed to be the “ perfect ” size . The media puts a lot of pressure on adolescent females , and sometimes males , by setting the bar of what the “ perfect body ” is supposed to look like . Television , radio , social networks , etc . have constructed definitions of a proper body and its various attributes should look like , to be socially accepted . Abs , breast , buttocks , thighs etc . have become prized possessions within our society ; many individuals ( adolescents ) go to extreme measures to assure themselves that they ’ re accepted by the media . Women are constantly perceived in a negative way ( i . e . fat ) if their body does not meet societal standards . The media has a major impact on adolescent ’ s perceptions on body image and body dissatisfaction .
We challenge you to dare to be completely satisfied with who you are . Full lips , large hips , short hair , no hair – be totally in love with you ! It is fact ; everyone will not like you , or your look and that is totally okay . Nothing is more empowering than to see a woman or man that walks in total confidence , not arrogance but confidence ! That kind of confidence that screams that no matter what you think of me , I am totally okay with myself . However , as a disclaimer , we should always strive to improve ourselves , for ourselves – but not for anyone else to accept us . It ’ s totally fine to want to continue your education , improve your career or even your image . But do not allow what others think to dictate your opinion of yourself . www . elegantbehavior . com