mind challenging or questioning established Black norms. Critical thought and curiosity that constantly questions and doesn’t reinforce ancient beliefs and
practices is frowned upon. Optimism is knowing there are plenty of Black women walking the same path as myself. That doesn’t mean we’re “equally yolked”
automatically, but I’m reasonably assured that the Afro-Centered sister isn’t a rare and magical unicorn. They are plenty, we “outcasts” just have to be patient. In
the meantime, you best believe I won’t be unwelcoming of my African sisters to any political or social activism I partake in, or any personal relationship I can
envision us in, based solely on what they believe in regards to gods. We cannot reach each other if we’re unwilling to teach each other. We will not grow if we, as
men and women, no longer yearn to learn from one another, and we’ll never catch our collective stride, if we continue to fuel divide.
We are African before anything else.
ONE love, truly. *
status KNO
Photo Credit:
Christopher Wilson Photography
Tuesdays at 9PM, CST
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