Just Give Today World Tour Issue 2 Volume 1 | Page 7

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You see , the idea is just the beginning , its the acting on it , the making it real part that creates any change . So share your ideas , make it real . Maybe you are the innovative entrepreneur who moves forward to create it , or maybe you are the one to simply share it , push a movement , inspire others , impact others by connecting with them , share your story !

MONIQUE ALVAREZ Inspiring People

Monique empowers aspiring world explorers with structures and strategies that create freedom on all levels so they can say yes to travel . She is a wife , a mother , a daughter , a sister and a third generation entrepreneur . Monique is on a mission to share her love of the world with the world . Check out http :// moniquealvarezenterprises . com /
After turning her idea of a dream life-style into her reality , she inspires others to have the courage to create their dream reality . “ I ’ ve been working toward this goal since I was nineteen years old . For twenty years I ’ ve day dreamed about seeing the world , owning a business and having a beautiful family beside me .” Beams Monica , a travel lifestyle guru and business coach . Acknowledging that ideas are only ideas until you put them into motion , she supports that if you believe in it and want to pursue it , you can do it ! “ How did it happen ? One day at a time . One client at a time . One trip at a time . Have I taken risks ? Yes . Were their quantum leaps ? No , not really . For me it ’ s always about staying focused on the best next step . Staying focused requires dedication and dedication means being true to who we really are . Dedication is living from our highest self and being of service in a way that honors everyone . Dedication is being in touch with our purpose , mission , and personal legacy .” She believes that the moment you are clear on why you are here , that is your game changer … “ See your power in the big decisions and the small choices . Everything you ’ ve ever wanted is within your reach . Inspiring others is what you were born to do !”

JUST GIVE , From an Idea to a World Tour

Beginning with the curiosity of inequality , Lydia and Adonie couldn ’ t understand why some people had more than others , why some people had massive houses while others lived on the streets ; why some people could afford tons of toys and food and gadgets while other people could afford the basic necessities .
Recognizing that things could be , should be different , they came up with an idea that would help change it .
“ We ’ ll win the lottery ,” they thought . “ We could donate it to all the people with less things and help the animals that are hurt .” Although the original idea required the off chance they ’ d receive a lucky lottery number , it still had room to be refined and perfected . Until one day , mom said , “ You don ’ t have to win the lottery in order to give to others , you know - you can raise it !” JustGive . Today was born .