Just Give Today World Tour Issue 2 Volume 1 | Page 6

Impacting others with your


Your ideas matter . No different than the fingerprints on your hands , your unique experiences and interpretation of life along side the things around you result in ideas and thoughts that only you have access to . Most of the time , we keep our ideas bottled up and protected for our own minds to ponder or store for another time , while other ideas may shyly slip past our lips to be shared with those around us .
“ Using ideas to create change is an increasingly important part of life ” - Prof . Tim Kastelle , U of Queensland
We want to encourage those shy ideas to become brave and confident ideas ! Here ' s Why :
Ideas create change . And get this , ideas arise only after you ( often subconsciously ) conclude that there could be a better way , based on your experiences . So , your unique experiences provide you with some pretty great material for change !:
Everything we ’ ve created has started out as an idea . In fact , everything we know has simply started out as an idea . Some ideas spark new ideas while other ideas are continuously refined and reworked until perfected . Regardless , each idea holds a reason and purpose , - and so do yours .
The beautiful thing about sharing your ideas is the IMPACT you can have on others . Whether it is about something physical and practical for work , at home , for comfort , for changing the world or even a belief , a way of life , a lesson for growth- someone , somewhere will agree with you , have similar ideas as you or be totally thrilled that someone thought of such a thing that they did even know was helpful or necessary .
I mean , for every time something innovative comes about … like wireless headphones for example , you didn ’ t even know you needed them until they were a thing , but hey … you bet I ’ m going to wear those wireless ones , ( they ’ ve spared my phone from flinging half way across the gym after catching the wire my arm while running treadmill on the treadmill on more than one occasion ). Am I right ?