From the Committees www . wsca . org 2022 - June - 21
Q : What are some things you do the night before a show to prepare ?
A : The nights before we went to a show are some of my favorite memories from growing up ! The night before we always go on an easy ride , whether that be a trail ride or just a quick ride in the arena , that way they have a lot of energy for the long day ahead . After we ride , we load up the tack in the trailer , making sure I have everything I need . Then we fill and load the hay bags , water buckets , and treats we need for the day . Then comes my favorite part- bath time . I love seeing my ponies and horses looking fresh and clean ( even though it didn ’ t usually last long , ponies don ’ t like to stay clean ). Lastly , we do one last look over and then go to bed , or at least try to ;)
June 19th : WSCA Royalty horse show
July 1st : Royalty application is due