June Spotlight | Page 20

20 - June - 2022 www . wsca . org From the Committees
Hey Everyone !
June is finally here ! And so is some of the warmer weather ! The court has been staying very busy as the
show season starts to kick into full swing . A few weeks ago we attended the WSCF Spring Fundraiser show and it was so great to see and compete with some of you . I was able to ride my 3 year old Socks in some of the classes , as well as my other horse Ten who had a baby by her side , and he was definitely loving all the extra attention during the show ! I hope everyone is having a great time gearing up for the show season and attending some of shows that are already happening in your area ! The WSCA royalty show is quickly approaching and we are so excited ! We have been working very hard to get awesome prizes for placings as well as some great giveaways throughout the day . This show is held on June 19th at JRD Ranch in Arlington MN . June 19th is Father s Day , and we have planned some great gifts and classes for all the dads who attend . We also have Jackpot and Side-pot classes with added money , and two fun classes that most horse shows won t have , including a Championship Egg and spoon class , as you can see , I am very excited about this one ! Be sure to check out the show bill in this spotlight as well as the Facebook event for updates and more in- formation . If you have never been to JRD Ranch , I highly recommend you come and check it out , it is a huge arena with amazing footing ! If you have any questions regarding this show , please do not hesitate to reach out . Another quickly approaching deadline is the WSCA royalty application deadline , due on July 1st . It was around this time last year that I was putting together my application for my own contest , crazy to think how fast time flies ! Running for WSCA Queen is not only loads of fun , but you also gain so much from it . During my competition , I gained 13 more friends that are just as horse crazy as I am that I still talk to today , as well as so much experience and knowledge from the different phases of the competition . Even if you walk away from the competition that day without a crown , you will not walk away with nothing , you will have memories and inside jokes ( Year 3000 ) to last a lifetime , experience that you can only gain from this contest , and new friends from all over the place ! Lastly , the court and I would like to thank everyone who has reached out so far and invited us to their various events and shows , we loved attending and we look forward to attending even more in the future- if you have an event upcoming ( shows , parades , ect ) that you would like us to attend and represent WSCA , please let me know ! I pray that you all have a great show season and grow in your horsemanship every day !
God Bless ! Emily Berger 2021-2022 WSCA Queen & Ms . Congeniality