2022 ASCE-NH Annual Meeting Summary Scholarship Awards / Outstanding Civil Engineering Award ( OCEA )
The 2022 ASCE-NH Section Annual Meeting was held via virtually on Wednesday , July 13 th , and included more than 60 attendees . Nick Golon , the NH Section ’ s Treasurer , presented $ 20,000 in scholarships to young individuals . The following awards were presented :
S . Russell Strearns Scholarship ($ 5,000 )
● Aidan Codogan
● Kelsey Paige
ASCE-NH High School Scholarship ($ 2,000 )
● Luke Brennan
● Emily Jeffrey
● Ryan Peloquin
● Brooke Stoncius
● Emmett Wilson
As always , this scholarship would not be possible if it weren ’ t for everyone that contributed to this important cause . We look forward to seeing the scholarship recipients grow in their respective careers . Congratulations !
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Terry Desmarais , P . E . and Erik Meserve , P . E . from the City of Portsmouth and AECOM , respectively . The two individuals presented the Peirce Island Waste Water Treatment Facility Upgrade project . This project was awarded the annual Outstanding Civil Engineering Award ( OCEA ) for an exemplary civil engineering project in NH . This prestigious award was established in 1960 , honoring the project that best illustrates superior civil engineering skills and represents a significant contribution to civil engineering progress and society . Honoring an overall project rather than an individual , the award recognizes the contributions of many engineers . The Peirce Island project was chosen because it is a key piece in an overall strategy to improve water quality in New Hampshire ’ s Great Bay Estuary . The project is the largest capital project in the City of Portsmouth ’ s history and has transformed the WWTF from one of the last advanced primary treatment facilities in the country to a modern WWTF that meets limit-of-technology effluent nitrogen limits . The project is constrained in a very small footprint but incorporates numerous sustainable features and has met all Consent Decree milestones . The upgrade was required to provide secondary treatment and total nitrogen removal to 8 mg / L on a seasonal monthly average basis between May and October . The effluent total nitrogen limit could be further reduced to 3 mg / L in the future .