June 21 Newsletter | Page 4

Congratulations to Mike Hutchens for his hole in one on Tuesday , May 18 , 2021 . The event happened on hole # 3 from 138 yards using an 8-Iron . Witnesses were Gene Hall , Ben Nolan , Helge Duemmel and Leland Roy . Great Shot Mike !
PRO SHOP AND DRIVING RANGE HOURS The Pro Shop will open at 6:30AM Monday thru Sunday and remain open until 6:00PM . The driving range is open on the days that the golf course is open starting at 6:30AM , and remain open weather permitting , until ½ hour before dark , except for Mondays when the range will close earlier to pick all the balls up so the driving range grass can be cut early the next morning . The pro shop , per the time of the year will determine these hours of closing .
4 eaglebrooke newsletter JUNE