June 2024 June 2024 | Page 7

Discover more about how you can contribute to fostering transparent leadership at : GlennLancaster4Oregon . com
Pamplin Media Group June 2024 A7

Demand Transparency - Expect Integrity Shine a Light : Transparency Builds a Stronger Community

Imagine a community where decisions are made in the open , where information flows freely , and where your voice is a valued part of the conversation . This is the power of transparency .

Transparency is the foundation of trust . When our elected officials operate openly , we can see how they ’ re working for us . It empowers us to ask questions , hold them accountable , and participate in shaping our community ’ s future . With open communication , trust flourishes . We know where our dollars are going , how policies are decided , and why choices are made .

This openness fosters integrity . Leaders who operate in the light of day are more likely to act with honesty and fairness . Transparency invites scrutiny , which discourages corruption and ensures everyone plays by the rules .

The result ? A stronger community . When citizens are informed and engaged , they become active participants in building a better future . Transparency empowers us to work together , solve problems effectively , and ensure our community thrives .

Don ’ t settle for anything less . Demand transparency from your leaders . Together , let ’ s shine a light and build a community built on trust and integrity .

Vote for Transparency . Advocate for Change . Elect Glenn Lancaster for Wilsonville City Council

Discover more about how you can contribute to fostering transparent leadership at : GlennLancaster4Oregon . com

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