June 2024 June 2024 | Page 19

Pamplin Media Group June 2024 A19

Gary ’ s Grins

Since we are now entering the height of golf season , it ’ s only appropriate that this month ’ s theme is about golf .
� Golfer : “ Do you think I can get there with a 5 iron ?” Caddy : “ Eventually .”
� Golfer : “ Think I ’ m going to drown myself in the lake .” Caddy : “ Think you can keep your head down that long ?”
� Golfer : “ How do you like my game ?” Caddy : “ Very good , sir , but personally I prefer golf .” Golfer : “ I would move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course .” Caddy : “ Try heaven , you ’ ve already moved most of the earth .”
� Golfer : “ Do you think my game is improving ?” Yes sir , you miss the ball much closer now .” Golfer : “ Please stop checking your watch . It ’ s a distraction .” Caddy : “ It ’ s not a watch . It ’ s a
compass .”
� Golfer : “ This is the worst course I ’ ve ever played on .” Caddy : “ This isn ’ t the golf course . We left that an hour ago .”
� Golfer : “ Do you think it is a sin to play golf on Sunday ?” Caddy : “ The way you play , it ’ s a sin any day .”
� Sam looks like a golf pro in his designer outfit , but he slices his drive on the first tee deep into the woods . Rather than take a penalty stroke he tries to hit out of the woods . The ball ricochets off a tree striking him in the forehead and killing him . When he arrives at the pearly gates , St . Peter greets him and says , “ You look like a golfer . Are you any good ?” Sam replies , “ Got here in two didn ’ t I ?”
� The reason the golf pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can ’ t see him laughing .
� Golfer ’ s prayer : “ May thy ball lie down in green pastures , not in still water .”

Nonfiction Book Club


Book group talks ‘ The Wager ’

The Charbonneau Nonfiction Book Group concludes its initial season with David Grann ’ s acclaimed bestseller , “ The Wager .” Seafaring adventure , mutiny on the high seas , survival of the fittest and courtroom drama all describe this tense , grisly tale . Before charting the course this book takes , the group discussed “ The Swerve ” at our May meeting .
This fascinating account was about the 1417 discovery of an ancient epic poem , “ On the Nature of Things ,” by Greek philosopher and poet Lucretius 1,000 years ago . The title comes from how
the work ’ s meaning changed the course of thought , beliefs , culture , and science as the western world entered the Renaissance . We found the book challenging to read as it shifted between time periods and characters , as well as dealing with its complex content . That said , we collectively were glad to learn of Lucretius ’ and Poggio ’ s contributions to human life . One has to look no further than our own Declaration of Independence , where “ the pursuit of happiness ” clause is a direct link to the 2,200-year-old poem .
The pursuit of plunder is the core of our current book . It doesn ’ t take long to figure out that the Wager ’ s voyage might not end well , as mishaps befall the ship and its crew before the voyage pushes off from Portsmouth , England in 1840 . The purpose of setting sail was to capture a Spanish galleon loaded with treasure off the South American
coast . What could go wrong ? Basically everything .
The downward spiral starts with a ship of questionable seaworthiness , cramped quarters , and a rotting , leaking hull . Then there ’ s foul water , spoiled food and disease . Now throw in violent storms , onboard rivalries , incompetent , cruel leadership and death . And finally , a shipwreck , where the few remaining castaways who were clinging to life on a bleak , barren island face hang-worthy charges of mutiny and murder upon their return to England . “ The Wager ” is a tale as salty as the seas where it takes place .
The Charbonneau Nonfiction Book group has expanded to 14 active readers . After the June meeting , we continue in September , reading Hilary Mantel ’ s historical novel , “ Wolf Hall .” We welcome new members to our meeting at 1:30 p . m ., Monday , June 3 at a to-be-determined location .
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Honoring the memories of our faithful friends
Pamplin Media Group readers can honor the memories of their furry , scaled , and feathered family members with a Pet Tribute . Our relationships with companion animals are some of the most important ones in our lives . We build special memories with them , and their loss can be devastating . Grief is a normal , natural response to loss , and we grieve our pets because we love them deeply . Writing about our animal companions can help us honor the time we shared with them , the gifts they gave us , and the richness of their lives . Pet Tributes appear weekly in your local Pamplin Media Group newspaper and website .
Deadline : Friday at noon , the week prior to publication . Cost : The cost is determined based on how many words and photos are used in the tribute . Example : a 90-word tribute and photo is $ 50 .
To place a tribute or for more information email pettributes @ pamplinmedia . com Call 503-620-7355
Happy Birthday Yukon Yukon
Our Valentine
When our beloved Nitro died in 2020 , we waited a couple of years to get a new pup , Yukon . Yukon Cornelius to be exact . I honestly didn ’ t think that any dog would be able to challenge me more than Nitro , eating the siding off the house , digging HUGE holes in the back yard , removing our sliding glass doors and yes , he could open them any time he wanted as well . I was wrong , WAY wrong .
I love Yukon with all my heart , but I must say that it ’ s a really good thing he ’ s cute . I ’ ve never had a puppy like this , and even nearly two years later ( I think he may NEVER grow up ), I can honestly say , he is something else .
I work from home and I ’ m no dog trainer so this ridiculously spoiled rotten thing challenges me every day … some days he ’ s completely lazy and does nothing but sleep in our bed ( until Daddy gets home ). Other days he does nothing but look for things to get into – usually when I have a client on the phone … the list goes on and on ….
I find myself yelling him at any time …. Nitro … wait , whatever your name is …. STOP !
But the bottom line is , I ’ m so glad my husband talked me into this little monster … he ’ s going to be 2-years old on Valentine ’ s Day . Spoiled or not , I ’ m glad to have him in my life … destruction or not .
Thanks for always loving everyone in our family .
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