June 2024 Cake! Magazine | Page 29

WHERE DO YOU FIND INSPIRATION FOR YOUR DESIGNS ? I ’ m not a big planner . I don ’ t take on any orders that require me to copy others work . I like to just make it up as I go . I usually go to my Colour Mill colour shelf & something usually springs to mind there . I have the best clients who really put their trust in me and it always allows me to do my best creative work .
DO YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST EVER CAKE THAT YOU MADE AS PART OF YOUR BUSINESS ? I ’ d actually hired a commercial kitchen to test run the business a few months prior to registering my home business & did a few cakes that were more of a basic buttercream style . I loved doing this but it wasn ’ t viable . My first cake order out of my kitchen was actually a carved Star Wars cake with little Lego characters & buttercream lava etc ! So random but very fun .
WHAT DO YOU FEEL HAS BEEN THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES SO FAR WITH RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS ? Being able to keep myself mentally balanced . I need structure so finding my own was hard at first . Within running my own business , I ’ ve had challenges with making sure I ’ m up to date with admin & social media as well as the orders of course , but I ’ ve gotten better at this and I understand I ’ m always a work in progress : -)
OUTSIDE OF CAKE DECORATING / BAKING , WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES ? I like to be with my husband Jake playing pool or watching TV . I like to sleep , eat & read my Kindle . I also love going to the pub . A lot of my free time is spent in my safe place ( my couch ) in silence with my favourite Harry Potter blanket & my Squishmallows . Since being diagnosed as Autistic , I really value my downtime & understand that I need it to function to my best ability for my work .