June 2021 | Page 26

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com June 2021 - Edition 55

FOVEA Capabilities Include : Video Summarization :

Condenses all motion activ- ity within video into a very short visual summary .

The summary also acts as an interactive ( clickable ) in- dex into the original video sequence .

Jump Back :

Automatically seeks to the portion of video when an abandoned object first ap- peared , so that the operator can immediately understand the circumstances surround- ing the abandonment .


Navigation and Path Reconstruction :

Assists an operator in tracking a person-of-interest across multiple camera views .

The operator can annotate video , seamlessly traverse between camera views , and reconstruct an evidential video by automatically com- bining snippets from many cameras .

Key benefits of FOVEA In- clude :

Novel analytic capabilities to accelerate video review for many forensic investiga- tion tasks

Extremely efficient algo- rithm implementations that do not require new or spe- cialized hardware ( e . g ., GPUs or large servers )

Implementation of tools as