June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION June 2014 | Page 2

Page 2 By Danny Laurent June 2014 The Comfort of Following Everyone's heard the saying “Don't be a follower, be a leader.” Yeah, you know what, I have something to say about that, leadership is OVERRATED. OK, before people start throwing things at me and accusing me of having one two many at Cajun Fest, let me explain. So during Cajun Fest weekend, those that were paying attention might have noticed that I performed twice. Once as the leader of SoulSpirit, my traditional role at Cajun Fest, and once as the bass player in the Alexes Aiken Band. If I asked you which do you think I enjoyed the most, most of you would have probably say “SoulSpirit,” after all, I get to sing. I get to talk on the mic. I get to lead. Shouldn't that be more fun? Well, logically, yes, that should be more fun, but it wasn't. Now, please don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing with SoulSpirit. I even went and played at 7pm Mass after going to the midnight fair workers Mass in the cafeteria on early Sunday morning because I like being with and playing with my group so much. I agreed this weekend to be on the Cajun Fest Committee but wouldn't commit unless I was assured that I could still perform with SoulSpirit at Cajun Fest. It's something I look forward to every year. However, the Alexes Aiken Band performance I enjoyed a great deal. Why?? Because all I had to do is show up and play bass and I got to listen to the beautiful Alexes Aiken do her thing. I had to make no decisions. I had to worry about nobody but myself. Turn the page to the next song and get ready. They even added a song to the setlist that I hadn't rehearsed with the band. No problem. Listening to and watching Kyle Mayes a couple of times through the song and I had it. It was wonderful. It was freeing. I even caught myself during the break saying “OK, are you ready...ummm...I mean, Alexes, I'm ready if you are...” Force of habit I guess. On the other hand, with SoulSpirit, I sing. So I have to worry about singing on key and playing bass at the same time, not always the easiest thing. I have to worry about whether or not my singers and musicians are in position for the next song. I have to fill in a bit of time if somebody is changing guitars or something. We had an equipment malfunction during the show on one of the guitars. Had to worry about how much time we were taking or how much time we had left. All of this is on top of the rehearsals and such to get ready for the performance. So what is my point?? Well my point is that leadership is great, but it has a price. Sometimes it's nice to just be and let somebody else make the decisions and worry about things. That's what I keep telling my own kids and my CYO kids. Right now you might think your parents are always on you and you wish that you had the freedom of an adult and you could lead your own life, but you know what, it isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'd love to go back and spend a month in my parents house again and let them worry about everything and I could just be me: a clueless teenager in a bubble unaware of how hard life can be sometimes. Therefore it is great that as Christians we have the option to sometimes just give our problems to God. Many times I have trusted in God and he has always provided. Maybe not in exactly the way I asked, but he has always provided. A couple of years ago, I was worried about replacing graduating guitar players in SoulSpirit. I prayed to God and he not only sent me Ariel Aguilar, Jacob Grey, Kal Landry, and Raymond Nash, but he also let me keep Kyle Mayes and Ryan Evans during summers, holidays, and for some of the benefits we play. In addition, we have had Ariel's dad, Ike, fill in for us for a couple of shows. My cup runneth over with guitar players. Next year, I will be losing a few, but I am sure God will provide others to replace them. Jesus said “follow me” to his disciples, but when he left them, it was then their turn to lead. However, they still followed the teachings of Jesus and they still depended on Jesus to help them. So, in our lives, we must be both leaders and followers and that's a good thing, but it's not always easy. We must trust in God that he will lead us in the right direction and in turn, we must lead others to God as Jesus commanded us. Danny Laurent, choir director for VOL’s SoulSpirit, plays bass with the Alexes Aiken Band at the 2014 Cajun Fest