Thanks to many of you " handsome devils " who avidly read " Fever ," Dj Rene Romo ' s annual Morrissey birthday bash at " Bowie Feathers " last month was a smashing success .
Before returning to the bar above " Tricky Falls " for next month ' s " Strangeways " ( Britpop , Motown , Punk , Indie ) night , our favorite former local t . v . reporter takes
his hipster deejay skills to " SoHo ," at 500 N . Orgeon , for a Depeche Mode vs . The Cure tribute war on Thursday , June 27th , from 9pm-2am .
The party ' s sure to satisfy all of you sexy boys and girls who just couldn ' t get enough of the awesome Depeche Mode tribute band that headlined " Pride " a few weekends ago .
Romo encourages you to wear your favorite Depeche Mode or Cure shirt to show everyone which band you think deserves the title of " Fever ' s favorite " retro band . Let the battle begin bitches !