June 15 -July 14 2013 Jun15 - July 14 | Page 13

By James Gamez :
In the heart of old Kern is a new place to shop for everything home . If you ’ ve never been to Williams Sonoma , El Paso has the next closest thing to it . “ I felt Kern needed a home boutique ,” said owner Mariel Galbiati . “ I ' m always in search for gifts that are different and special and appreciate if I can just go to one place and find it . I didn ' t feel like we had that here , so it inspired me to open Fig Home ,” she said .
The store is a gem of chic gifts ranging from $ 10 - $ 300 . “ We carry a lot of vintage pieces , and a few local designers which is a plus because it gives them a location to feature their products .” The store is a mecca of all things fabulous for your home . Hard to find labels include Dwell Studio , Sugar Boo Designs , Scents & Feel , Barr & Co . and much more . It ’ s a lovely place to find the most authentic glassware and local designs in the area . Go check it out ! Facebook - Fighome . 915.532.3278 2609 N . Stanton