Welcome Home Sales Managers!!
James Lee, Store 4 Sales Manager, has recently
returned from a year and a half deployment. He spent a
large part of that deployment in Kuwait. In the midst of
serving this great nation, he found time to sharpen his
poker skills! He placed in the top 3 many times. He’s so
good that he actually gave classes to fellow service
members on how to better their own poker game.
Patricia Blake, Store 5 Sales Manager, was with the
company from 2006-2012 and now she’s back!
Patricia says “I'm excited to be back. Everyone has
been great at welcoming me back with open arms. It's
almost as if I never left. I feel so at home and it's great
to be back.”
In other Management news . . .
Leading the charge at Store 20 is Kathy Blevins as SM and Jennifer Cooper as ASM. Also,
Art Leedale is Interim SM with Terry Maddux as Interim ASM at Store 7.
Kathy Blevins
Jennifer Cooper
Art Leedale
Terry Maddux