I ’ m committed to keeping you informed in my new role
CCC President ’ s Corner
I ’ m committed to keeping you informed in my new role
It ’ s time for farewells and welcomes at the Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors . As we turn over a portion of our board to new members , we say goodbye to our CCC President Gary
Newbore , and board members John McLain , Larry Walker and the late Steve Switzer . Each one of these board members made valuable contributions to our community and have left a lasting legacy . Gary led us through the planning and building of our Activity Center , John developed a financial model for CCC that allows us to forecast 10 years in advance and Larry led efforts on community engagement and transparent communication . And Steve — each time I drive over the freshly-painted crosswalks , I will think of him .
We also welcome new board members Glenn Lancaster , Mary Fieweger , Laura Schott and Lee Harker . They , too , will have the opportunity to make their own mark on Charbonneau . Glenn will be taking the lead on the Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety Committee ; Mary will develop a Welcome Committee to introduce new Charbonneau residents to our community and help them navigate the many opportunities to enhance life and leisure . Laura will assume the chair of the Communications Committee , and Lee Harker will lead the ever-active Asset Management Committee . Please look elsewhere in this edition for more information about each of these new board members .
Under former President Newbore ’ s leadership , I have had the pleasure of serving on a wellhoned board of directors who worked extremely well together . We didn ’ t necessarily start out this way . Nonprofit boards are often made up
of strong-minded individuals who are used to running the show in their workplace , or were in leadership roles in their community . When you bring all these strong wills together , you are likely to experience a few bumps in the road . In regards to group team-building , sociologists refer to the process of “ forming , storming , norming and performing .” A group typically has to work through the initial steps : a few uncomfortable disagreements , respectfully establishing acceptable norms , recognizing areas of consensus and then kicking into high gear and hitting the “ performing ” level . My commitment as your new CCC board president is to assist our new board as we work through this expected process . With a little time and guidance , I have every confidence that our new board will demonstrate a high level of performance in no time . Our first efforts will be providing a work session on board member roles and responsibilities , and a second one on the importance of sound financial management in planned communities .
Now , a word about coyotes . During the month of June , we experienced a number of coyote sightings and , most unfortunately , the killing or harm of some of our beloved pets . Residents have asked the country club for guidance in how to be safe during this time . As of this writing , we are working on ridding the creatures from our streets , common areas and golf course . The U . S . Department of Agriculture provided us with a wildlife agent who is skilled in eradicating potentially harmful wild animals from communities . The agent continues to track the coyote ( s ) travel patterns with the plan of removing them from Charbonneau . In the meantime , please keep your small pets indoors , do not leave pet food or water dishes outside and avoid walking with small dogs at dawn or dusk . As long as a coyote knows they have a continual food source in an area , it is very difficult to deter them . This is not the first time we have seen coyotes in Charbonneau . I lost a cat to one here about eight years ago . And these current sightings will not be the last . Please stay safe and use wise judgement for yourselves and your pets .
Lastly , I am not quite the humorist as Gary Newbore . No apologies , I ’ m pretty much just a facts and info kind of gal . So , if you are looking for a little humor , please see Gary ’ s column elsewhere in this edition . I will keep you informed , and Gary will keep you laughing . Not a bad combo , I think .
Building community connections
Resident leads busy life here in Charbonneau
By DANA BRENNER Charbonneau resident
This monthly feature is intended to broaden representation of resident faces and voices , allow us to better get to know our neighbors , increase a sense of intergenerational community and highlight events and efforts that do any of the above .
Kim Boehler and her regular VIP visitor and grandson Micha
Originally hailing from Montana , Kim spent many years living in Ashland before making her way here and moving to The Charbonneau Village Condos eight years ago . Like many Charbonneau residents , she lives a full and vibrant life as she has transitioned into retirement . Her son and “ daughter-inlove ” live in Milwaukie , and she enjoys being close enough to play a key role in 11-yearold grandson Micha ’ s life . After a rich and interesting career as an artist , art educator and professor at Southern Oregon University , where she taught art education methodologies , she has been exploring new endeavors . Between working at The Garden Gallery in Hubbard twice a week , spending time with Micha and his parents , visiting her partner in Hood River , making art , reading and doing lots of Silver & Fit classes , Kim maintains an active and varied calendar . She does like to joke about how “ getting up ” in the morning takes two hours in retirement though !
Q : What are your favorite things about living in Charbonneau ?
A : It ’ s safe , beautiful , spacious in feel , and highly walkable . When I downsized and started looking for a place to live , it was important to me that I live in a community that both supported my adult lifestyle and welcomed my grandson . I appreciate the
Kim Boehler with her grandson Micha .
friendly and open attitudes that neighbors here often have with one another . I love how my condo community has beautiful open spaces that are shared . There are inviting and welcoming corridors that our homes open out onto , and these mutual spaces are lovely . People look out for each other .
Q : What kinds of activities and amenities do you take part in here ?
A : Micha and I sometimes play pool and table tennis in the old Activity Center . I haven ’ t spent as much time on activities in the community lately . I have been so busy with things to explore and people to see outside of it ! As new things develop here , I may become more involved .
Q : What are your hopes for Charbonneau as it develops ?
A : I ’ m thrilled that there are plans to offer more intergenerational activities . I think that what ’ s good for kids is generally also good for the community . Micha loves chess and the Saturday Open Game Club and space that will kick off in fall could be a great way for him and other kids and grandkids to feel integrated and included . I think it ’ s valuable for both kids and elders to be exposed to one another in ways
J . Brian Monihan Publisher bmonihan @ pamplinmedia . com |
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Kstephens @ pamplinmedia . com
( 503 ) 479-2378
Jesse Marichalar Display Advertising Jessem @ pamplinmedia . com
A Publishing Partnership ...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club and the Pamplin Media Group .
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Jesse Marichalar Jessem @ Pamplinmedia . com | 971-204-7774
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