In Progress
Mexico | Create a Corridor for Mexican Wolves and Jaguars
Large carnivores like Jaguar , Mexican Wolf and American Black Bear still roam an expansive area of dense forest in the mountains of western Mexico . This landscape encompasses a 2.5-million-acre watershed consisting of streams , tributaries , mountains , valleys and ravines that feed into major rivers . However , this region and its aquifers are in peril from logging , poaching , cattle ranching and large-scale mineral mining .
Crowned Solitary Eagle | Nori Almeida
With our local partner , Nature and Culture International , we are working to establish the 2,138,854-acre Cuenca del Río Mayo Natural Resources Protected Area — an area three times the size of Yosemite National Park . This new area will fortify a wildlife corridor of over 4.2 million protected acres in the Sierra Madre Occidental for wide-roaming carnivores , the Critically Endangered Mojave Desert Tortoise , Endangered Thickbilled Parrot and Endangered Lilac-crowned Amazon . Once safeguarded , this landscape will also support globally endangered migratory birds , pollinators and bats .
Brazil | Save Rare Atlantic Forest for Endemic Species
Encroaching large-scale agriculture and cattle ranching threaten the vast Cerrado ecoregion that connects the western edges of the Atlantic Forest to the easternmost Amazon rainforest . Today , only about 8 % of Atlantic Forest habitat remains and what survives outside protected areas is patchy and often degraded . Its wooded grasslands and savanna harbor over 10,400 species of plants , almost half of them endemic , and nearly 1,000 bird and 300 mammal species .
Rainforest Trust and our partner , World Wide Fund for Nature-Brazil , have the opportunity to safeguard 43,863 acres as the new Tovacuçu Wildlife Refuge in Goiás State of Brazil . This refuge will provide shelter for the Endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle and other globally threatened mammal species including the Vulnerable Giant Anteater , Giant Armadillo , Lowland Tapir and White-lipped Peccary .
RainforestTrust . org | 1 ( 800 ) 456-4930 P . O . Box 841 , Warrenton , VA 20188
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