July 2023 — CAF Update: Latin America & the Caribbean July 2023 | Page 3

Colombia | Last Stand for the Antioquia Brush-finch
Thought to be extinct , the Critically Endangered Antioquia Brushfinch was rediscovered in 2018 north of Medellín in the Colombian Andes , but encroaching agriculture and cattle ranching have cleared at least 73 % of this endemic songbird ’ s humid mountain forest habitat .
Costa Rica | Golfo Dulce Shark Sanctuary
Thanks to your support of the Conservation Action Fund , Rainforest Trust and our partner , Asociación Conservacionista Misión Tiburón , worked with the government of Costa Rica to expand the Golfo Dulce Shark Sanctuary , increasing the total protected area by 27,726 acres to a total of 35,164 acres . This expansion will bring greater security , relieve fishing pressure on both sharks and rays and bolster the declining Eastern Pacific population of Scalloped Hammerheads . It is hoped that the sanctuary will be expanded further in coming years .
One of four tropical fjords in the world , the unique ecosystem of Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica hosts a wide diversity of fish , provides vital nursery habitat for Critically Endangered Scalloped Hammerheads and is home to threatened species like Whale Sharks and Hawksbill Turtles .
27,726 Acres Protected
Thanks to donors like you and the collaborative efforts of Rainforest Trust , American Bird Conservancy , and local project implementer ​ Corporación Salvamontes , we celebrate the purchase of 1,025 acres creating the Reserva Natural del Montañerito Paisa and Reserva Guanacas . With an estimated population of no more than 50 individuals , this imperiled bird now has a second chance for survival . Other threatened species benefiting from this new refuge include the Red-bellied Grackle , White-capped Tanager , “ Chocolate Frog ,” and more than 50 species of endemic orchids .
1,025 Acres Protected
Ecuador | Expand Protection for Ecuador ’ s Unique Wildlife
The Tapichalaca Reserve nestled in the evergreen cloud forest on the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes is a sanctuary for the Endangered Jocotoco Antpitta , of which fewer than 600 mature individuals survive today . First described to science in 1997 by Rainforest Trust board member and President Emeritus Dr . Robert S . Ridgely , the discovery of this endemic bird was the catalyst for the founding of partner Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco and ultimately the creation of this reserve to protect critical habitat and save the bird from looming extinction .
Antioquia Brush-finch | Sebastian Chiquito Salvamontes
Your generous gift has helped expand the reserve by 450.77 acres , bringing the total protected acres to 6,262 . Another 2,863 acres are still in the process of being safeguarded . Thank you for supporting Rainforest Trust ’ s long-term , 25-year commitment to the Tapichalaca Reserve .
450 Acres Protected