adding journalism
to newsletters
Though I've attempted to do some type of journalism a few years, taking it seriously wasn't something I've done until a few weeks ago. Whether it be interviewing someone or talking about something happening somewhere on this planet, I feel this would be an amazing addition to my newsletters. Now, not only will I be talking about some of the major things I've done, but they'll include issues/topics important to me at the time. When the idea was pitched to me, it made me smile because, deep inside, it's something I've wanted to do for some time. I just haven't put much thought or energy into it because majority of my focus was on the other aspects of my business.
I almost always have plenty of questions that I wish to obtain the answers to. Most of the time I'm curious about things that are new to me. Especially if it's something I might want to try/wear/participate in someday. Why not use my curiousness and talent to further expand what I do with my career? Being the type of person who is only capable of doing one thing isn't the type of perosn I want to be for the rest of this life. I want to be successful in what I've chosen to do. In order for that to happen, I'll have to continue to be willing to do the things that could potentially benefit me in the end. If I decide later to not do something and try something else, my knowledge in that certain area will expand. Even if I only learned the basics.
P&C July 2020