upon a question, you may discover many new and interesting facets about yourself, and life itself. Another common way our intuition and insight communicates with us is through songs. When a song plays in your mind or pops in at an unexpected moment, take some time to note the lyrics or what the song is trying to tell you. Lyrics can hold knowledge and illumination. Songs are a fun way which our inner being can provide us with knowledge and clue us in about with answers to our questions. In effect, this provides us a road path on how to navigate through life’s dilemmas. By just taking a moment to think about what the song might mean, might bring you wisdom and clarity. I’m not saying every song we may think about is our intuition speaking – however, many times they can directly come from Spirit and our intuition.
Feelings are another avenue through which our intuition works. When we “sense” or “feel “something we are keying into our instincts and our intuitive impressions. What I’m saying is that we have the inborn ability to literally feel how our emotions and our senses communicate with us. We are spiritual beings, so we can sense energy and feel inwardly the energy around us. We have an innate ability to know what our gut reactions tell us about other people, and situations. Try to trust your gut reactions and follow what your feelings communicate to you. Your feelings are a very important component of intuition, for they help guide you. They literally are your inner compass! They give you insight into your passions, inform you about how your creative nature longs to express itself and enable you to make informed decisions within your life. By trusting your feelings as your guide, you can steer yourself toward what you enjoy in life and away from situations that cause you undue stress or discomfort.