Julien's Journal September 2016 (Volume 41, Number 9) | Page 29
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (also
referred to as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment). Student records are not generally
available unless the person requesting to
see them is a member of the faculty or staff
with legitimate educational interests and a
valid need to know.
This means that you may not have access
to information concerning the academic
records of your student, including grades,
honor council violations, violations of community standards, and health records without his or her written consent.
In the heat of a crisis, parents may be frustrated by what is perceived to be a lack of
cooperation on the part of the institution.
In reality, federal law prohibits faculty, administrators, health care professionals, and
others from releasing information without
this written consent. It would be wise for
parents to talk about such a release prior to
the start of the academic year.
It is true that new students are expected to
learn a great deal in a relatively short period
of time. Residential staff, faculty advisers,
academic deans, and staff in Student Affairs
are available to offer guidance and support.
They work diligently to help new students
learn about college policies, procedures,
and traditions.
Having a sense of the campus culture may
provide you with some comfort. Next time
you’re on campus, stop by the student center and pick up recent publications such as
the student newspaper, a parent handbook,
an academic calendar, and a list of programs
and services available on campus. Increase
your familiarity with the campus by visiting
the institution’s website periodically.
The most difficult aspect of this time of
transition will be allowing your child to
use the knowledge and lessons learned to
make his or her own way through life. You
will not be there each day to provide guidance and oversight, nor should you be. You
have equipped your child with the skills
needed to survive and thrive on this journey
through college. It is now time for your son
or daughter to take flight.
Let them soar! v
Classes start September 13, APPLY TODAY!
Julien’s Journal ❖ 27