Joy feelings magazine September 2019 Issue | Page 19

takes is saying three of those phrases once a day for one week before you feel the effects! Have strong friendships outside of your relationship Your whole life shouldn’t be only about each other. As soon as you start to rely on your partner to provide you with everything you want and need in life, you’re bound to crash and burn. Jon Kleinberg, a computer scientist at Cornell University, and Lars Backstrom, a senior engineer at Facebook, conducted a study showing that the weakest relationships are the ones where both parties share the same number of mutual friends. So go make new pals on your own! Spend six more hours together a week Studies show that couples who clock in an extra six hours of together time every week, compared to the average relationship, are more likely to make it to the finish line. You might be thinking, Um, that’s, like, a whole night of sleep. Not so fast. You don’t have to pull an all-nighter to improve your relationship. It just takes small gestures every day to keep the romance going. Don’t rush into anything At Emory University, researchers found that the longer a couple dates before getting hitched, the more likely they are to stay together forever. It pays to take your time, really get to know each other, and don’t put