Joy feelings magazine September 2019 Issue | Page 18

everything better in life — your career, your social life, and, yep, your relationship. Professor Barbara Fredrickson, a social psychologist from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, has found that positive thinking can even change the rhythmic beating of your heart. Whoa! Argue in a healthy way Studies show that couples with poor communication skills are among the most unhappy people on the planet. No surprise there, though. Every single couple fights, so don’t feel bad if you fall into that category. It’s not about how often you argue, but how you do it that really affects your relationship. Don’t fight about money This is a tough one, because money issues are the number one reason couples break up. There will always be some differences in the way you handle money, how much money you make, how much money you save, etc. However, try to solve the problems at hand instead of blow up in each others’ faces about it. Don’t fall into self-righteousness, and try to see what money signifies for your SO, rather than focusing on the money itself. Say words of encouragement to each other By evoking phrases like “Great job!” and “I’m so proud of you,” couples increase their happiness levels and report feeling less depressed. All it