Adult immunizations
Immunizations are an important disease prevention strategy for
adults. Vaccine-preventable diseases can cause poor health, lead
to missed work, increase healthcare costs and curb the ability to
maintain daily responsibilities.
Considerations for adult immunizations should include an assessment
of risk factors related to job, lifestyle, travel and health conditions.
Immunizations appointments are available at the Cabarrus Health
Alliance (CHA), call 704-920-1205. (Accepts Medicare and other
private insurance carriers.)
CDC recommended vaccines for adults 50 and older
Always discuss your specific needs and vaccine options with your primary care provider.
Immunization Recommended Age Disease
Influenza All adults annually. Influenza is a respiratory illness affecting the nose,
throat and lungs. Symptoms range from mild to severe
and can lead to hospitalization, and even death.
Tdap Every adult should have at least
one dose if one was not given
during adolescence. Tetanus is an illness caused from bacteria that live in soil,
dust and manure. The bacteria enters the body through
a break in the skin, such as a cut or puncture wound.
Diptheria is a bacterial infection that can lead to a thick
film in the back of the throat which can lead to diffi-
culty breathing, heart problems, paralysis and death.
Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial infection
causing violent coughing that interferes with breathing.
Td Every adult should receive the
Td vaccination every 10 years. Refer to above for tetanus and diptheria descriptions.
Shingrix Adults 50 and over (even if
previously immunized with
Zostavax). Shingrix is 90 percent
effective in preventing shingles. Shingles is a contagious virus that affects one in three
people who have had chickenpox.
Pneumonia Adults 65 and older (or earlier
for certain medical conditions)
should have two pneumonia
vaccines. PCV13 (Prevnar)
should be given first and PPSV23
(Pneumovax) should be given
one year after PCV13. Pneumococcal infections range from ear and sinus
infections to pneumonia and bloodstream infections.
Pneumococcal vaccines are very good at preventing
severe disease and hospitalizations.
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Learn more at