Journey of Hope 2017 journey-of-hope-2017 | Page 39

CHALLENGES EXPLANATION OF THE CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK THROUGH ENGLISH SUBJECT CURRICULUM By examining the competencies, standards, benchmarks, and stu- dent learning outcomes for the English curriculum we can better understand the curriculum framework explained below. The English curriculum identifies five competencies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reading and Thinking Skills Writing Skills Oral Communication Skills Formal and Lexical Aspects of Language Appropriate Ethical and Social Development by Sajjad Ahmed Bari Head of Academics, CAI Gilgit Through one competency’s detail we can understand the hier- archy of the competency. Let’s review competency 1, reading and thinking skills. Each competency has a different number of standards, bench- marks, and SLOs, and we will only look at a sample of them below. Standard 1: All students will search for, discover and understand a variety of text types through tasks which require multiple reading and thinking strategies for comprehension, fluency, and enjoyment. Standard 2: All students will read and analyze literary text to seek information, ideas, enjoyment, and to relate their own experiences to those of common humanity as depicted in literature. Benchmarks are based on developmental levels of students: Grades 1-2 u Use reading readiness strategies; recognize words and sentences as meaningful units of expression and paragraphs as graphical units of expression. Grades 3-5 Identify digraphs, silent letters, and inflections in words; comprehend words, sentences and paragraphs as meaningful units of expression. Grades 6-8 Analyze patterns of text, organization and function of various devices used in a paragraph. Grades 9-10 Analyze patterns of text, organization and function of various devices used in paragraph. SLOs are based on grade level. Student Learning Outcomes - Grade 1: u FALL 2017 • • • • • Recite short poems or nursery rhymes with actions. Listen to a story/fairytale of a few sentences read aloud by the teacher. Read aloud the same story/fairytale themselves. Identify and name characters. Respond orally with yes or no, to express their like or dislike of a story/character(s). Student Learning Outcomes - Grade 2: • • • • • Read and recite short poems or nursery rhymes with actions. Listen to a simple story/fairytale read aloud by the teacher. Read aloud the same story/fairytale themselves. Identify and name characters. Respond orally and in writing, in a sentence, to express their like or dislike of a story/character(s). JOURNEY OF HOPE | 37