By the numbers
Afghanistan Pakistan Tajikistan USA Population 31,822,848 185,174,380 8,051,512 318,892,103
% Population under 15 |
42 % |
33.30 % |
33 % |
19.40 % |
20.6 % girls , 21.3 % boys |
16.2 % girls , 17.1 % boys |
16.2 % girls , 16.8 % boys |
9.4 % girls , 9.9 % boys |
% living under poverty line 35.80 % 12.40 % 35.60 % 15.10 % Infant mortality rate 117 / 1000 births 57 / 1000 births 35 / 1000 births 6 / 1000 births Maternal mortality rate 460 / 100,000 births 260 / 100,000 births 65 / 100,000 births 21 / 100,000 births Under age 5 mortality rate 172 / 1000 births 76 / 1000 births 48 / 1000 births 7 / 1000 births % Girls married under 18 40 % 24 % 13 % 2.10 % % Girls married under 15 15 % 17 % 1 % n / a Average income $ 800 annually $ 2,567 annually $ 1,373 annually $ 41,557 annually % Literate adult females 12.60 % 40.30 % 99.60 % 99 % % Literate adult males 43.10 % 68.60 % 99.80 % 99 % % Budget to education 0 % 2.1 % of GDP 3.9 % of GDP 5.4 % of GDP Unemployment 35 % 6.60 % 2.50 % 7.30 % Life expectancy 61 years 67 years 67 years 80 years ( 82 W 77 M ) Sources : census . gov ; CIA Factbook 2008-2014 ; World bank 2011 ; geoba . se ; UNICEF ; cfr . org ; nationsonline . org ; World Bank 2012
Since its founding in 1996 , CAI has initiated these projects :
Schools built ................................................................................. 191 Additional schools supported ................................................... 102 Women ’ s vocational and literacy centers built or supported .......................................................................... 48 Public health programs ................................................................. 34 Scholarship programs ...................................................................... 9 Community programs ................................................................... 16
CAI works in 22 provinces in three countries with 400 progams and projects :
PAKISTAN ...................................................................................... 211 AFGHANISTAN ............................................................................ 180 TAJIKISTAN ........................................................................................ 9
ANNUAL BUDGET ( For FY 2014-2015 )
International Program Operations ...............$ 4,019,990 ....... 64 % Global Education Outreach Programs ...........$ 898,258 ....... 15 %
Total Program Spending ............................$ 4,918,248 ..... 79 %
General and administrative expense ..............$ 940,704 ....... 15 % Fundraising expense ..........................................$ 355,162 ......... 6 %
Total Expenses .............................................$ 1,295,866 ...... 21 %
A student heads to class at the Bazghir Higher Secondary School in Afghanistan .
n Individuals ............ 91 % n Organizations ........ 6 % n Corporate .............. 2 % n Foundations / grants1 %
FA L L 2 0 1 4 Journey of Hope | 59