Journey of Hope 2014 Vol 8 | Page 60

Educate a girl . Change the world .

CAI-supported scholarship students in Gilgit , Pakistan , laugh at a skit during a ceremony celebrating their many talents and accomplishments .
CAI is pioneering :
� For the past 18 years , CAI has successfully worked in underserved , remote , impoverished and often-dangerous regions .
� We often work where few or no other international aid organizations operate .
� We tailor solutions for communities in high-conflict regions .
� We seek to bring together disparate groups to form alliances with a singular objective — the education of their children .
Why support girls ’ education ?
� Girls ’ education reduces poverty , birth rates , infant and maternal mortality , child marriages , and disease .
� Girl ’ s education increases self-sufficiency and civic involvement .
� Educated women are better mothers ; their kids are healthier and less likely to be malnourished and better educated than children of uneducated mothers .
Why support international education ?
� Education is a basic human right ; it gives people a sense of meaning and personal empowerment .
� Education gives people access to information , which makes them better parents , professionals , and citizens .
� Illiteracy increases isolation . Isolation fosters fear . Extremists thrive on fear .
� Education is the surest path to sustainable world peace .
Why now ?
� Studies overwhelmingly confirm that education is an effective tool .
� As the U . S . international peacekeeping forces exit these regions , the progress made in education will be severely threatened .
� Your donation will help safeguard a child ’ s basic human right to education .
How can I help ?
Your donations help build schools and deliver literacy , education and vocational training programs to deserving children and families in the high-conflict rural regions of Afghanistan , Pakistan and Tajikistan . Your donations of time , effort and funds are essential . Whatever you can give is urgently needed and greatly appreciated by those we serve . Please give generously today !
�To donate online go to : www . ikat . org .
�To donate by mail , use the enclosed envelope , or write to :
Central Asia Institute Or , call / fax us today : PO Box 7209
Phone : 1 + 406-585-7841 Bozeman , MT 59771 USA Fax : 1 + 406-585-5302
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