Nuristani elders renew plea for school BY KARIN RONNOW
KABUL , Afghanistan – People struggling to survive in villages high in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Nuristan province have tried for years to capture the world ’ s attention and distinguish their plight from that of other poverty-stricken Afghans .
Notoriously brave , the Nuristanis have fought the heavily armed Taliban foot soldiers who cross the porous border from Pakistan , watched international troops retreat , security worsen , and aid and development assistance dry up .
Entire families have been killed . It ’ s virtually impossible to get goods and materials in or out of the province . Children grow up without education . And the response from Kabul “ has been inadequate ,” according to one observer .
“ The likely outcome of reduced commitment to development in Nuristan is the relegation of an entire generation of Afghan children to continued and worsening poverty ,” Erik Jones wrote on foreignintrigue . com in June 2014 . Then came Uzra . “ Uzra is an icon for Afghans ,” Khatera
Naeemi , an Afghan women ’ s rights activist told centralasia . com . “ She is a warning … that even the Afghan women are fed up with the cruelties being committed against them .”
FEMALE MARTYR In early August , Taliban went on a rampage in a village near Barg-e-Matal district , killing 15 people , including a member of Uzra ’ s family .
When the battle resumed the next night , the Taliban targeted Uzra ’ s parents ’ summer shepherding house . Uzra picked up her husband ’ s gun and took matters into her own hands .
“ It happened in the nighttime ,” said Rah-
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