Journey of Hope 2014 Vol 8 | Page 51

and sanitation and taking advantage of their own increased earning capability . Girls who stay in school also marry later , when they are better able to bear and care for children .”
� By increasing health care knowledge and reducing the number of pregnancies , female education significantly reduces the risk of maternal mortality .
� Educated women are more likely to insist on education for their own children , especially their daughters . Their children study as much as two hours more each day than children of illiterate mothers and stay in school longer .
� Educated girls and women are more likely to stand up for themselves and resist violence : “ In poor areas where women are isolated within their communities , have little education and cannot earn much , girls and women are often regarded as an economic burden and sometimes suffer deliberate neglect or outright harm .”
� Educated women channel more of their resources to the health and education of their children than men .
� Educated women are more likely to participate in political discussions , meetings and decision-making .
� Studies show that education promotes more representative , effective government . As women are educated and approach parity with men , research shows that “ governments and other institutions function better and with less corruption .” y
If you are interested in hearing about CAI ’ s international efforts , there are several ways we can work together :
Videos : CAI has posted numerous videos about our work online , including several that expand on the stories in this year ’ s Journey of Hope . In addition , we are producing new , high-quality videos that we are eager to share . These new videos will be available online this winter , at the CAI website , www . ikat . org , and on YouTube and Vimeo . We would also be happy to send you DVD copies for use in classrooms , club meetings , and even at gatherings in your home . For more information , contact Communications Director Karin Ronnow at karin @ ikat . org .
Speakers : Depending on availability , we may be able to send a CAI representative to your town to talk about our work promoting education in some of the Last Best Places . If you are interested in having Greg Mortenson or someone else from the organization come and speak at your school or in another venue , please contact Karin at karin @ ikat . org .
Sources : The Council on Foreign Relations ’ What Works in Girls ’ Education : Evidence and Policies from the Developing World ; The World Bank ; UNESCO
See a video of students on a typical school day at a CAI-supported project in northeast Afghanistan :
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = kxcXLOm1pgc
Students recite passages from the Qur ' an outside the Ishkashim Girls ' High School in Afghanistan .
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